11 January 2011

This Feels Like a Script for a Blind Date...

Day #23:
"15 facts about you."

1)  I am a born again Christian.
Yes, I suck at living life righteously, but there's a God for that.  He's helped me through a load of bad times, and given me plenty of good ones too.  I owe my everything to Him.

2)  I love a little place called Ivydale.
I've spent every summer since I was eight going to this church camp.  Last summer was my first year counseling, the summer before that I met my best friend there, and the summer before that one I was baptized in the pool.  I have met most of the important people in my life up at camp.   God does amazing things there, and I hope to remain a part of it as long as I can.

3)  I tend to crush on guys with curly hair.
For serious.  Last two boyfriends- curly whirly hair.  I must think it adds whimsy or something on a subconscious level.

4)  I want to go to Japan like nobody's business.
I took four years of Japanese in high school and have spent almost half of my life pretty much addicted to all things Japanese- music, literature, movies, manga, anime, maneki nekos, etc.  It's only right that I go to the country that birthed my obsession.

5)  My Scrabble score is much higher than my bowling score will ever be.
My Scrabble score has been known to break 200.  Bowling?  About 47.

6)  There is certain jewelery that I never remove:  
A braided rope bracelet and purity ring on the left, and a WWJD bracelet and never-ending-loop ring on the right.  In summer I most always wear an anklet as well.

7)  I don't drive.
So stop telling me to start, OK??

8)  I'm a donor.
I donate blood when ever I can.  I love knowing that I can help save three lives with just one pint.  Also, I'm an organ donor.  Says so right there on my learner's permit.

9)  I'm a grammar Nazi.
You've seen what happens when one ends a sentence with a preposition and I catch them doing it, right?  I'm like that with billboards and newspapers too.

10)  I love books.
Favorite authors?  The Bronte sisters, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Natsume Soseki, Vladmir Nabokov,. and JK Rowling.

11)  Speaking of, this is how nerdy I am.
If I was in a fictional book series, I'd be in Harry Potter.  I own a Harry Potter shirt for just about every day of the week.  There is a HP calendar on my wall.  I've been known to listen to "wiz rock."  I nearly cried while watching Oprah's interview with JK Rowling.  I definitely cried about 100 times while reading The Deathly Hallows.  But, my nerdiness is justified-- I literally grew up with Harry (The Sorceror's Stone came out when I was in third grade).

12)  Sometimes I get lonely.
Oh no... this one's kind of a downer.  But it's true.  

13)  My fragrance of choice is "Twilight Woods."
Shut up, it has nothing to do with vampires, werewolves, or whiny girls.  Go to Bath and Body Works and check it out- it's delicious.  No pun intended.

14)  Relaxation exercises.
Through my acting classes, I've learned some very useful breathing/relaxation/pronunciation exercises that keep me limber of limb and tongue.

15)  I know what time it is in Dubai.
That's because a dear friend/sister of mine lives there!  Aydan was an exchange student at my high school.  She's amazingly smart, cute, and funny.  You should have seen us in physics class.  Even though she lives thousands of miles away, she's one of the most important people in my life.

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