25 January 2011

"End" Rhymes With "Friend"... and "Trend". Whatever That Means.

To stave off the attacks of 30 Day List lethargy I've been experiencing, I'm combining the last two days in one post.

Day #29-
"Something you could never get tired of doing."

Day #30-
"A photograph of youself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days."

I could positively never get tired of hanging with Twin Kelsea.  It's borderline illegal how much fun we have together.  And the things she says to me- she's a riot.  There was something about cornquistadors today.  It doesn't matter what we're doing- harmonizing on a song, battling at Scrabble, or muddling through a Greek translation- we have FUN.

So, here I am, plenty more than 30 days later.

Three good things that occurred during this blog cycle?

1)  BIBLICAL GREEK happened, and I'm a better, more thoughtful person because of it.  Expect some Greek posts soon!

2)  TRUE GRIT happened.  I think this speaks for itself.

3)  SOUL FOOD happened, and it gets and exclamation mark!  Soul Food is a sweet bible lunch get together thing I do with a bunch of cool girls from around campus.  I can't wait for the next one!

For now, I'm off for my lunch break.  Tune in next time to see our heroine lasso the rare grey whale making its way down the Oregon Coast!

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