10 September 2010

Chiggars and Sweet Tea

Listening to: "Burn Me Down" (House of Heroes)
Reading: The Imitation of Christ (Thomas A Kempis) *even though the prof wants me to wait ;)*

I can be a VERY negative person.  Seriously.  You give me a situation, any situation, and instead of the silver lining I will find the hair ball clogging up the pipe.  So when I moved to College Town, I was absolutely positive I was going to hate everything about it.  My food, my dorm, my profs, my classmates-- every molecule of the place was going to be against me.

You know why I was so sure of this?  Because I'm insecure.  I don't feel *safe* here, no one *knows* me here.I looked up at God and said (or yelled, as the case may be): WHY ME?  WHY HERE?

I wanted to find a way out of this place.  Did I really need more education anyways?  What was I going to do with it anyway?  There are so many places I would rather be than living in a strange place where I am just as much on the outside as I have been in other schools.

You know what I needed?  A big ol' slap in the face.
You know what God gave me?  Reassurance.

He gave me friends who listened to my whining and encouraged me to pray about it.  The advice I received through these various conversations boils down to this:

You've gotta take the chiggars with the sweet tea.

There's always going to be something I won't like about... well, about everything.  But God can always show you the parts that will edify, amuse, delight and excite you.  You just have to be ready to meet Him halfway.

So, little by little, I've discovered that the food is actually DELICIOUS.  My dorm and the girls I share the hall with is actually FUN.  My professors KNOW WHAT THEY"RE TALKING ABOUT.  My classmates are (mostly) HERE TO LEARN.   

These are some major positives, and I owe the finding of them strictly to The Big Man in the Sky.

James 1:17
"Every good and perfect gift is from GOD, who does not change like shifting shadows."

I hope YOU find everything good and perfect in your own lives.


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